Improvements to the Aiguafreda pipes

Improvements to the Aiguafreda pipes

Renovation of sections of the main pipes that are in poor condition or that have capacity issues.

Consorci Besòs Tordera
February 2018 - in progress
Type of work:
Hydraulic Infrastructures
€1,684,916.39 (VAT not included)

The Besòs Tordera Consortium is made up of 68 organizations, 64 of which are municipalities from Barcelonès, Osona, Vallès Occidental and Vallès Oriental with a population of around 2,400,000 inhabitants. 
The other members are the Barcelona Provincial Council, The Barcelona Metropolitan area, the Vallès Oriental Regional Council, and the Vallès Oriental Waste Management Consortium.
The Consortium’s action plan involves wastewater collection (municipal sewers) and treatment (regulation of spills, pipes, pumps and residual wastewater treatment plants—WWTPs), improvements to the river environment, raising awareness and providing education about the environment, and supporting the member bodies.
The project, which has been awarded to Sorigué, consists of renovating the portions of the main sewerage system that are in poor condition or that have capacity issues.
The Congost Norte section corresponds to the main pipes in Aiguafreda. It is 232.38 m in length. In this section, there are six manholes. Part of this section, in the northern part of Aiguafreda, level with the service warehouse for the Municipal Government, is currently out of service.

In this area, a small-scale pumping station and a by-pass pipeline were built to run wastewater outside the riverbed in an especially problematic section.
The Congost Sur section is 1,923.11 m long and stretches between the area at the end of Calle Nou de Sant Martí de Centelles and the entrance to the Tagamanent WWTP. It is a particularly difficult section, as it is located within the confines of the riverbed, between motorway C-17 and the slope of the mountain or the railroad tracks. The riverbed is generally thin and winding. The subsurface is made of large rounded edges and rocks with different degrees of erosion. Logically, as the project deals with the riverbed, the phreatic level is very close to the surface.
At the Avencó camping area, there are plans to build a connection to collect the water from the campsite and the existing dwellings in the area at the center of Tagamanent.
Furthermore, three main unique interventions are taking place: the creation of two spillways, associated with the creation of connections to new sections of piping, and the demolition of a wastewater pumping station in the Congost Norte section.
