Gardening, watering, coarse sand and tree cover in park areas

Gardening, watering, coarse sand and tree cover in park areas

Maintenance works, gardening conservation, irrigation, path sand and trees in the park areas of Sant Just Desvern.

City Council of Sant Just Desvern
From November 2011 to 2013 (+2 years)
Type of service:
Maintenance of green spaces

Maintenance areas of the park areas of the town of Sant Just Desvern from 1999. This maintenance work includes maintenance of the different areas with trees, maintenance of the hydraulic network, cleaning and maintenance of the street trees.

Maintenance of the parks and gardens in the town of Sant Just Desvern.
Tree maintenance.  
Phytosanitary treatments.

Maintenance of the hydraulic network.
Maintenance of pavements in the park areas.
Cleaning service in the park areas.


Technical data

Park area: 111,990 m2.
Non park area: 46,924 m2.

Trees: 9,495 units.
Total area: 158,914 m2.
