Ambitec, Servicios Ambientales, S.A.U.

ISO 9001 | Quality Management System
The company has a quality management system that encompasses all phases of their projects, from procurement of materials and services, execution of works, incident resolution and after sales service.

ISO 14001 | Environmental Management System
The company comply with international environmental management standards that certify their commitment to the prevention and reduction of environmental impacts due to their activities and, communication, awareness and education regarding all related issues.

UNE-EN 1176-7 | Playgrounds Maintenance
The company meets the safety requirements and test methods in play areas and playgrounds to ensure optimum performance and to protect the safety of users.

ISO 45001 | Health and Safety Management Solutions
The company maintain an active commitment in prevention, beyond legal obligations related to health and safety, which helps reduce occupational risks and foster a prevention culture.

IQNet SR10 | Social Responsibility Management System
The company has accredited the proper integration of social responsibility management into all company processes. The awarding of this certificate reaffirms the importance that Sorigué places on sustainability.

UNE 19601 | Criminal Compliance Management System
The company has proven that it possesses and implements a set of preventive tools guaranteeing that the company's activity is carried out in compliance with legal regulations.

ISO 14064-1 | Environment CO2 Calculated
The companies Ambitec and Vialex have accredited the registration of their carbon footprint, as well as the commitment to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and are committed to monitoring them over time.

MOVES III Programme
We are part of the Programme of Incentives for Efficient and Sustainable Mobility (MOVES III Programme), financed by the European Union - NextGenerationEU. During the year 2022, the electric vehicle charging infrastructure has been expanded, installing 12 double charging points, and replacing 5 double charging points, all of which are SEMIRAPIDA type chargers, at Ambitec's central facilities in José Agustín Goytisolo street in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona.

UNE-EN 16630 | Installation and maintenance of outdoor exercise areas
The company Ambitec has certified that it complies with the requirements for safety and optimum performance in the process of installation and maintenance of outdoor exercise areas.