Surveillance, operation, and maintenance of the Júcar-Vinalopó conduit system.

Surveillance, operation, and maintenance of the Júcar-Vinalopó conduit system.

Operation services for water catchment and end-user delivery and maintenance of the conduit system infrastructure, with personnel management.

Aguas de la Cuenca Mediterránea (ACUAMED)
Two years, 2015-2017
Type of work:
Operation and maintenance
1.967.450,56 €

The infrastructure comprising the Júcar-Vinalopó system captures 4,500 liters of water per second in the Júcar River, some fifty meters upstream of the La Marquesa Dam in Cullera, Valencia.

The water collected is elevated to the San Diego Reservoir in Villena, Alicante, which has a capacity of 20 hm³. Along this trajectory, the water passes through a series of pumping stations and associated pools, as well as more than 90 km of conduits between underground pipelines. This allows the system to bridge a height difference of more than 600 m so that the water can be distributed to end users.

A six-month continuous pumping season is estimated, the remaining months being dedicated to preventive and regulatory maintenance and other necessary reviews. 


Technical data

Infrastructure of the Conduit System     

The pipeline has a total length of 93,250 km and begins 50 m upstream from the La Marquesa Dam (Cullera). Water supply for the pumping station is planned to occur through a GFRP pipeline that is 1.60 m in diameter and 207 m in length. 

It is comprised of four pumping stations. The pumping station has been planned to include 3+1 submersible motor pump groups with 340 Kwh of power and Qu = 4256 m3/h. The Panser Pool has useful capacity of 200,000 m3.


Next to the Panser Pool, there is a pumping station equipped with five (4+1) pumps with Qu = 4,050 m3/h, the same as the Llanera and Moixent stations.  

The pipeline crosses the Corbera Mountains through two tunnels —2,744 and 3,748 m, respectively— through which the water flows freely.

The human resources deployed for this service include five technicians and system operators. Specifically, there is one service director, responsible for the civil works and electrical equipment, an operational and maintenance director and one deputy director, as well as six operational and maintenance operators and three control center operators. 

This is the first contract that will implement measures to protect the zebra mussel.

