Rehabilitation of DWTP Sântămăria-Orlea in Romania

Rehabilitation of DWTP Sântămăria-Orlea in Romania

Improvement to water supply systems for the towns of Haţeg, Călan, Simeria, and Deva, through complete overhaul of the Sântămăria-Orlea Drinking Water Treatment Plant and construction of a 26 km-long pipeline.

S.C. APA Prod Deva S.A.
The rest of Europe
July 2013 - May 2016
Type of work:
Engineering design

Modernization and refurbishment of the Sântămăria-Orlea Drinking Water Treatment Plant in Romania, sized for a design flow rate of 700 l/s, as well as 26 km of the high-level distribution pipeline. 

The work has entailed replacement of the old DWTP technology with state-of-the-art technology, as well as construction of new FRP feeder piping with DN 1,000 mm for the towns of Haţeg, Călan, Simeria, and Deva. 

Also, both the transport and treatment infrastructures are monitored with a SCADA control system that transmits relevant real-time data on flow, pressure, etc. to central dispatch.


Technical data

DWTP. Water line
The treatment method used at the Drinking Water Treatment Plant (DWTP) is physical/chemical and disinfection treatment, including the following processes:
- Initial disinfection
- Coagulation/flocculation (reagent dosage)
- Decanting
- Rapid sand filtration
- Final disinfection

DWTP. Sludge line

In the sludge line, we differentiate between two processes:
- Recovery of filter cleaning water
- Removal of solids in the form of dehydrated sludge

New high-level piping

- Carbon steel FRP feeder piping with DN 1,000 mm in the entire underground area, protected with epoxy paint suitable for contact with liquid for human consumption in above-ground areas.

