Sorigué receives ACIE certification for its Betemplant project

certificacion proyecto betemplant
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Sorigué receives ACIE certification for its Betemplant project

November 10, 2016

The Agency of Certification in Innovation in Spain (ACIE) has recently certified the project titled “Design and creation of new bitumen formulations from the development of new production systems, Betemplant”, developed by Sorigué.

Sorigué’s project has been recognized as a technological innovation project, as under UNE-EN Standard 166001:2006, Management of R&D + Innovation: Requirements of an R&D + Innovation project. 
This system for manufacture of bitumen emulsions has been developed for production of emulsions, where work is performed in reverse, in laminar regime, without using a colloidal mill. 
High-performance emulsions are created using this production system, with smaller drop sizes and narrower distributions than in conventional methods, translating into increased stability for storage and excellent aggregate coating behaviors.

The specific technological objectives of the project are: development of a new production process and generation or new products through the creation of new formulas for bitumen emulsions.
The main novelty in this manufacturing system is the ability to produce, at a single facility, both emulsions and new-generation modified bitumen.
